Should I Run My Air Conditioner nonstopin Toronto, ON

furnace repair toronto

The first thing to consider when deciding whether or not you should run your air conditioner nonstop is whether you need to run it at all. Ideally, you should keep the temperature in your house between 68 and 72 degrees while you're at home and no lower than 65 degrees when nobody's there. If it gets too hot inside, it can cause discomfort and make it harder for your body to regulate its temperature. You may also see mold or mildew develop on hard-topped surfaces like tile floors, wet ceilings and cabinets near windows where moisture can build up rapidly if there's not enough ventilation in your home.


But what about those times when summer temperatures do rise above normal levels? Shouldn't we be running our A/Cs 24/7?

Not necessarily there are times when running an air conditioner for long periods of time actually causes more harm than good!If your air conditioner is working too hard, it's likely you have a problem with your system or home.


The first step to figuring out the issue is to measure how much energy your AC consumes during peak hours.

A big part of this calculation involves determining how many BTUs are needed for your home, which can be done by measuring the square footage of each room and multiplying it by 10 (for example: 500 square feet x 10 = 5000 BTUs).

This number should be in line with what's recommended for your area; if not, consider having a professional come out and inspect your unit before making any changes.


Next, look at how old your unit is--if it's past its prime age range (5-10 years), consider replacing it if possible. If not, consider adding insulation around windows and doors as an inexpensive alternative solution that still helps improve efficiency without costing too much money upfront!